Size Guide – Bicycle Helmets

The proper helmet fit is one of the most important factors for safety and comfort. A snug, aligned fit will achieve a safe and secure ride. Below are 3 simple steps to determine the proper helmet size.

Step 1


Kids Bikes & Balance Bikes. The Perfect First Bicycle for Kids and Toddlers of all Ages and Abilities

Measure the circumference of your head with a tape measure – roughly 2.5cm above your eyebrows.

Take several measurements to make sure you have the largest size.

If you do not have a tape measure, use string or a phone charger cable and measure it against a ruler.

Step 2


Kids Bikes & Balance Bikes. The Perfect First Bicycle for Kids and Toddlers of all Ages and Abilities

Once you have determined your helmet size, try it on. The helmet should be worn level on the head, and hot slide or move freely when you roll your head form side to side. 

If this is the case, you have a helmet that is too large. Extra padding may help provide a better, more snug fit.

Step 3 


Kids Bikes & Balance Bikes. The Perfect First Bicycle for Kids and Toddlers of all Ages and Abilities

Be sure the front of the helmet lays just above your eyebrows and that the back of the helmet does not touch the nape of the neck.

The chin strap should fit snug to where you can only insert 2 fingers. If thee skin on your forehead moves slightly, you have a good fit.

Nutcase Helmets Size Chart

Nutcase Collection
Head Size
Suggested Age
Baby Nutty
48cm – 52cm
12 to 36 months
Little Nutty Toddler
48cm – 52cm
3 to 5 years
Little Nutty Youth
52cm – 56cm
5 to 8 years
Adults Helmet S
52cm – 56cm
8 years to Adults
Adults Helmet M
57cm – 60cm
Teens to Adults
Adults Helmet L
61cm – 64cm
Teens to Adults